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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.442
Readers should also note that the newly formed Prolog
Vendors' Group is contactable electronically via the Secretary,
Al Roth. His email is "alroth@cix.compulink.co.uk".
* * *
4. How do I get in touch with my Prolog's users' group,
sales representative, or technical support line?
Here are some e-mail addresses of these contacts, listed
alphabetically by company or major product name. Please note
that sometimes phoning or writing to the company will get better
response than e-mail.
ALS (Applied Logic Systems):
Information: info@als.com
Sales: sales@als.com
Tech support: support@als.com
Sales: lpa@cix.compulink.co.uk
Tech support: lpa@cix.compulink.co.uk
PDC Prolog:
Information: pdc-request@pdc.dk
Sales: sales@pdc.dk
Tech support: support@pdc.dk
ProLog by BIM:
Contact: prolog@sunbim.be (Kathleen Pierco)
Users' group: prolog2-request@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Users' group: quintus-users-request@quintus.com
Sales: sales@quintus.com
Tech support: teksup@quintus.com
Users' group: sepia_request@ecrc.de
Tech support: sepia_request@ecrc.de
Users' group: sicstus-users-request@sics.se
Sales: sicstus-request@sics.se
Tech support: sicstus-bug@sics.se
Turbo Prolog:
Turbo Prolog is the older name for PDC Prolog (see above).
* * *
5. I think language X is better than Prolog. What do you think?
These debates rarely result in any productive discussion.
To some extent, one's favourite language is based on irrational
However, many people now agree that different languages are
good for different things. Prolog seems to be good for problems
in which logic is intimately involved, or whose solutions have a
succinct logical characterization. Like other interactive,
symbolic languages, Prolog is also good for rapid prototyping.
Also, please note that there are many different "Prologs"
and other logic programming languages available, all with
different capabilities.
* * *
6. My Prolog prof assigned me this problem. Can you help
me with it?
If your instructor assigned it to you, he or she probably
wanted you to do it yourself. If it's an introductory Prolog
course, your question might be elementary to most readers, so it
might be a waste of network resources to ask it. Please ask
your instructor, a friend, a teaching assistant, or a local
newsgroup for help first.
That being said, there are comp.lang.prolog readers who
would be glad to help people making a legitimate attempt to
learn Prolog.
* * *
7. Can you suggest some books on Prolog?
The Prolog Resource Guide (see above, question 3) contains
a listing of Prolog books. It is maintained by Mark Kantrowitz
(Mark.Kantrowitz@GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU), and posted periodically
on comp.lang.prolog.
Here are some of the most popular books on Prolog.
_Programming in Prolog_. William F. Clocksin and Christopher S.
Mellish. Springer-Verlag, 1987. (Introductory.)
_The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques_. Leon
Sterling and Ehud Shapiro. MIT Press, 1986. (Advanced.)
_The Craft of Prolog_. Richard A. O'Keefe. MIT Press, 1990.
_Foundations of Logic Programming_. John Lloyd.
Springer-Verlag, 1988 (2nd ed). (Logic programming theory.)
* * *
8. Are there any FTP archive sites for comp.lang.prolog?
Yes. As of the latest check, the following archive
sites contain selected recent articles from comp.lang.prolog
in the indicated directories.
"cs.dal.ca": /pub/comp.archives/comp.lang.prolog
"pit-manager.mit.edu": /pub/usenet/comp.lang.prolog
"src.doc.ic.ac.uk": /usenet/comp.archives/auto/comp.lang.prolog
"cnam.cnam.fr": /pub/Archives/comp.archives/auto/comp.lang.prolog
Some other sites contain copies of this FAQ list and the
Prolog Resource Guide. For users with "archie" access, type
"archie comp.lang.prolog" for an up-to-date list of sites having
either archives or the periodic postings.
* * *
For help in putting together this FAQ, thanks to Andrew
Davison, Mike Brady, Michael Covington, Stephen Bevan, John
Dowding, Thilo Kielmann, Paul Singleton, Dave Moffatt, Dani de
Ridder, Per Bilse, Chris Moss, Kathleen Pierco, Paul Tarau,
Jonathan Kamens, Jan Wielemaker, Dag Wahlberg, Micha Meier, Don
Sannella, Clive Spenser, Yuan Liu, Jonas Barklund, and Ian
Dickinson. Special thanks to John Dowding for suggesting a good
format for the list, and to Chris Moss, Dag Wahlberg, and Mark
Kantrowitz for their work on the Prolog Resource Guide.
--Jamie Andrews.
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.lang.prolog:6598 news.answers:4024
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!wupost!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!usenet.coe.montana.edu!ogicse!das-news.harvard.edu!cantaloupe.srv.cs.cmu.edu!crabapple.srv.cs.cmu.edu!mkant
From: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu (Mark Kantrowitz)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog,news.answers
Subject: Prolog Resource Guide [Monthly posting]
Message-ID: <prolog-resource-guide.txt_721765209@cs.cmu.edu>
Date: 14 Nov 92 18:20:16 GMT
Article-I.D.: cs.prolog-resource-guide.txt_721765209
Expires: Mon, 28 Dec 1992 18:20:09 GMT
Sender: news@cs.cmu.edu (Usenet News System)
Reply-To: mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu
Followup-To: poster
Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Lines: 1021
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Nntp-Posting-Host: a.gp.cs.cmu.edu
Archive-name: prolog/resource-guide
Last-Modified: Fri Nov 6 15:40:45 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz
Version: 1.1
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Prolog Resource Guide ******************************************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; prolog-resource-guide.txt -- 46454 bytes
Contributions and corrections should be sent to Mark Kantrowitz
at mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu.
This guide lists a variety of resources for the Prolog community,
including books, magazines, ftp archives, and products. It is posted
once a month to the newsgroup comp.lang.prolog.
The original version of this guide (Version 0.6, Dec 11, 1991) was
compiled by Dag Wahlberg, Uppsala University, Sweden <dagwag@csd.uu.se>.
Other people who helped with the compilation include Chris Moss
<BEL0172@AppleLink.Apple.COM>, Mats Carlsson, SICS <matsc@sics.se>,
Michael A. Covington <mcovingt@uga.cc.uga.edu>, Jocelyn Paine
<popx@vax.ox.ac.uk>, Per G. Bilse, PDC <pdev@pdc.dk>, David Cohen, BIM
Systems Inc <dc@bim.com>, Mark Korsloot <mark@logic.et.tudelft.nl>, and
David W. Talmage <talmage@luvthang.aquin.ori-cal.com>.
Thanks also to Jamie Andrews <jamie@cs.sfu.ca>.
Suggestions and comments to: mkant+prolog-guide@cs.cmu.edu
Table of Contents:
[0] Introduction
[1] Sources of information about Prolog
[2] Public Domain or Free Prolog Implementations
[3] Commercial Prolog Implementations
[4] FTP Archives and Other Resources
[5] Prolog-related Mailing Lists
[6] Books and Magazine Articles
[7] The Prolog 1000 Database
Search for [#] to get to topic number # quickly. In newsreaders which
support digests (such as rn), [CTRL]-G will page through the answers.
Subject: [0] Introduction
This guide lists Prolog resources: archives, newsgroups, books,
magazines, compilers, interpreters and anything else you can think of
which has to do with the proliferation of Prolog. Also included is a
list of suppliers of products and a list of publishers. As Prolog has
a strong historical tradition in Europe, we've tried to ensure that
the information is relevant to all readers, both European and North American.
This guide is posted regularly to comp.lang.prolog. It may also be
obtained by anonymous ftp from CMU:
To obtain the file from CMU, connect by anonymous ftp to any CMU CS
machine (e.g., ftp.cs.cmu.edu []), using username
"anonymous" and password "name@host". The file prolog-resource-guide.txt
is located in the directory
[Note: You must cd to this directory in one atomic operation, as
some of the superior directories on the path are protected from
access by anonymous ftp.] If your site runs the Andrew File System,
you can just cp the file directly without bothering with FTP.
We have taken great care in making the information in this document as
accurate as possible. However we are not responsible for any problems
which might occur from using information supplied in this guide.
Subject: [1] Sources of information about Prolog
The newsgroups comp.lang.prolog and (to a lesser extent) comp.ai are a
source of information and discussion about Prolog.
A "Frequently Asked Questions" posting is posted to comp.lang.prolog
twice a month by Jamie Andrews <jamie@cs.sfu.ca>. The Prolog FAQ and this
Prolog Resource Guide are intended to complement one another.
The draft ISO standard for Prolog is available by anonymous ftp from
aisun1.ai.uga.edu in the directory ai.prolog.standard.
Subject: [2] Public Domain or Free Prolog Implementations
The following list of free Prolog implementations excludes those listed
in the comp.lang.lisp FAQ (i.e., Prolog interpreters written in Lisp).
Note that commercial prolog implementations are often more robust and
better supported than public domain and free prolog implementations.
A.D.A. Public Domain Prolog:
A rather slow implementation of Prolog for MS-DOS systems, originally
a product of Automata Design Associates (now defunct), 1570
Arran Way, Dresker, PA 19025, 215-335-5400.
ALF (Algebraic Logic Functional programming language) is a
language which combines functional and logic programming techniques.
The foundation of ALF is Horn clause logic with equality which
consists of predicates and Horn clauses for logic programming, and
functions and equations for functional programming. The abstract
machine is based on the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) with several
extensions to implement narrowing and rewriting. In the current
implementation programs of this abstract machine are executed by an
emulator written in C. It is available by anonymous ftp from
ftp.germany.eu.net (aka simpson.germany.eu.net) in the directory
/pub/programming/languages/LogicFunctional as the files alf_*.zoo
(Documentation, C sources for the emulator, the preprocessor and the
compiler). For further information, contact Rudolf Opalla
clement.info.umoncton.ca:BinProlog/binpro.1.39.tar.Z []
The file papers.tar.Z contains papers related to the implementation.
BinProlog is free for research and other non-profit purposes. Version
1.39 runs on Sparc, Sun3, NeXT, and 386/486. The compiler makes 215
KLIPS on a Sparc 2 (101 KLIPS on a NeXT) and still uses a very small
(41K) emulator. Comments and bug reports should be sent to
CLP(R) is a constraint logic programming language with real-arithmetic
constraints. The implementation contains a built-in constraint solver
which deals with linear arithmetic and contains a mechanism for delaying
nonlinear constraints until they become linear. Since CLP(R) subsumes
PROLOG, the system is also usable as a general-purpose logic programming
language. It icnludes facilities for meta-programming with constraints.
The system consists of a compiler, byte-code emulator, and constraint
solver. CLP(R) is written entirely in C and runs on Suns, Vaxen,
MIPS-based machines (Decstations, Silicon Graphics), IBM RS6000s and
PS2s. Includes MS-DOS support. It is available free from IBM for
academic and research purposes only. For more information, write
to Joxan Jaffar, H1-D48, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center,
P.O. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, or send email to
joxan@watson.ibm.com or joxan@yktvmh.bitnet.
Common ESP:
Common ESP is an object-oriented system by the AI Language Research
Institute. The binary is free for R & D use only -- send 1/4in CMT
Sun3 and Sun4 (Sparc) with Sun OS R4.0.3, R4.1 or R4.1.1. For more
information, write to AI Language Research Institute Ltd, Yoshitoku
Bldg, Shiba 3-15-14, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105, Japan, fax +81 3 3456 4418,
or send email to k-hata@air.co.jp.
cu-Prolog is an experimental constraint logic programming language
available free from Japan's Institute for New Generation Computer
Technology (ICOT). Unlike most conventional CLP systems, cu-Prolog
allows user-defined predicates as constraints and is suitable for
implementing a natural language processing system based on the
unification-based grammar. For example, the cu-Prolog developers
implemented a JPSG (Japanese Phrase Structure Grammar) parser in
cu-Prolog with the JPSG Working Group (the chairman is Prof. GUNJI,
Takao of Osaka University) at ICOT. cu-Prolog is a complete
implementation of Constraint Unification (cu), hence the name.
cu-Prolog is implemented in C for BSD UNIX 4.2/3. Professor Sirai of
Chukyo-University has also implemented cu-Prolog for the Apple
Macintosh and DJ's GPP (80386/486 MS-DOS machine with the DOS
extender). cu-Prolog is available free by anonymous ftp from
ftp.icot.or.jp. For further information, send email to ifs@icot.or.jp,
or write to ICOT Free Software Desk, Institute for New Generation
Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita
1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax +81-3-3456-1618.
ESL Prolog-2 (PD Version):
A prolog for MS-DOS systems with good performance. It deviates
slightly from Edinburgh standard (strings "like this" are not lists
of ASCII codes), but you can add a declaration that makes it fully
Edinburgh-compatible. It is a more limited version of the interpreter
from the Commercial Version (see [3] below).
IC Prolog:
Runs on Sun3, Sun4. There is MacProlog source in a further subdirectory.
Produced by Imperial College, IC Prolog includes multi-threading,
parlog, TCP primitives, communication primitives, and "mailboxes", a
high level communication system. Includes the preprocessor for the
prolog language extension L&O from the book "Logic & Objects".
See also Yannis Cosmadopoulos and Damian Chu, "IC Prolog ][: a
Language for Implementing Multi-Agent Systems", in Tutorial and
Workshop on Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems, September 23-25,
1992, Keele University. A copy of this paper may be found ing
laotzu.doc.ic.ac.uk [] as /pub/icp-paper.ps.Z, or on
src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] in the directory
Contact Damian Chu <dac@doc.ic.ac.uk> for questions about IC
Prolog, and contact Zacharias Bobolakis <zb@doc.ic.ac.uk> for
information about L&O.
Lolli is an interpreter for logic programming based on linear logic
principles. Lolli, named for the linear logic implication operator
"-o" called lollipop, is a full implementation of the language
described in the paper "Logic Programming in a Fragment of
Intuitionistic Linear Logic" (Josh Hodas & Dale Miller, to appear in
Information and Computation), though it differs a bit in syntax, and
has several built-in extra-logical predicates and operators. To
retrieve a copy of the Lolli system, ftp (anonymously) to
ftp.cis.upenn.edu and retrieve the file pub/Lolli/Lolli-07.tar.Z. This
distribution includes full ML source, along with a Makefile, as well
as several background papers and a collection of example programs. For
those who do not have SML-NJ at their site, the authors hope to
provide pre-built binaries for a variety of architectures. These
binaries can be found on ftp.cis.upenn.edu in the directory
pub/Lolli/binaries. At present Sparc and NeXT binaries are available.
If you compile lolli on a new architecture, please contact Josh Hodas
at <hodas@saul.cis.upenn.edu> so that he can make your binary
Maxon Prolog:
Maxon Prolog is available for the Atari ST from the German magazine
'ST-Computer' for 298 DM. Tel: 010 49 61 96 481811.
Open Prolog:
grattan.cs.tcd.ie:languages/open-prolog []
Open Prolog 1.0d36 interpreter for the Apple Macintosh.
The most recent version of Open Prolog will always be available from
Trinity College in Ireland. Open Prolog is an Edinburgh-style Prolog
and supports Definite Clause Grammars. Open Prolog is also
available from other sites, such as
nexus.yorku.ca:/pub/prolog/ []
grattan.cs.tcd.ie:languages/open-prolog []
aisun1.ai.uga.edu []
mac.archive.umich.edu []
but tends to go out of date at these sites.
For more information, write to Michael Brady, Computer Science
Department, Trinity College, Dublin 2, IRELAND, send email to
brady@cs.tcd.ie, call +353 1 7021786, or fax +353 1 772204 (5 hours
ahead of East Coast US time).
PD Prolog 19:
wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/prolog/ (IBM PC)
aisun1.ai.uga.edu (
PDSS KL1 is an implementation of FGHC, a concurrent logic programming
language developed at ICOT in Japan. Runs on Suns, HPs, DECs, and the
Sequent Symmetry. Available free by anonymous ftp from ftp.icot.or.jp.
A representative paper on the language is Kazunori Ueda and Takashi
Chikayama, "Design of the Kernel Language for the Parallel Inference
Machine", The Computer Journal, December, 1990. For more information,
send email to ifs@icot.or.jp or write to ICOT Free Software Desk,
Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita
Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax
Portable Prolog System:
Portable Prolog System is an interpreter from the University of York.
Runs on any system having a Pascal compiler. For more information,
write to University of York, Software Distribution Officer, Department
of Computer Science, University of York, York, YO1 5DD, UK, call +44
(904) 59861, or fax +44 (904) 433744.
Parallel PROLOG compiler with a reduce-OR process model.
Stony Brook Prolog runs on Sun4, Pyramid-98x, DEC3100, SGI Iris,
Amiga, and MS-DOS machines. Contact warren@sbcs.sunysb.edu for more
information. Two versions are available: version 2.5 is an
interpreter for Amigas and version 3.1 is an interpreter and compiler
for Unix and MSDOS/386.
SB-Hilog runs in SB-Prolog and Quintus Prolog and is available on
src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] contains SBProlog 3.1 executables for
MS-DOS/386 in languages/sbprolog, filename sbpmsdos.zip.
nic.funet.fi contains SBProlog executables for Amiga in
Modular SB-Prolog (= SB-Prolog version 3.1 plus modules) is available
by anonymous FTP from ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk (, as the file
pub/dts/mod-prolog.tar.Z. Includes interpreter for SPARC. For more
information, write to Brian Paxton <mprolog@dcs.ed.ac.uk>.
SWI Prolog:
swi.psy.uva.nl:pub/SWI-Prolog/pl-1.6.5.tar.Z [] (Main source)
[The patch level (last digit) is regularly updated and diffs between
patch levels are located in the same directory.]
rs3.hrz.th-darmstadt.de []
ftp.th-darmstadt.de:pub/programming/languages/prolog []
SWI-Prolog includes a fast compiler, a profiler, C interface, a
module system, libraries, and dynamic loading.
Runs on Atari ST, Gould PN, NeXT, HP, IBM Linux, DEC MIPS, IBM
PS/2 AIX, IBM RS/6000, Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, and Vax.
Written by Jan Wielemaker, SWI, University of Amsterdam,
Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
<jan@swi.psy.uva.nl>. The mailing list is prolog@swi.psy.uva.nl.
To be added to the list, send mail to prolog-request@swi.psy.uva.nl.
Toy Prolog:
An interpreter written in Pascal. About 3500 lines of source. Free with
"Prolog for Programmers" by Kluzniak and Szpakowicz (Academic Press
Tricia is a free Prolog high-level emulator with interpreter available
by email from Uppsala University. Runs on Macintosh, Sun3, Sun4, Apollo
DN-3500/4500/5500 (OS version 10.*) and HP-730's. For more information,
write to Uppsala University, Tricia project, Computing Science
Department, Box 520, S-751 20 UPPSALA, Sweden, fax +46 18 521270, or
email jonas@csd.uu.se. A copy is available in the directory
if your site runs the Andrew File System, or by anonymous ftp from
Subject: [3] Commercial Prolog Implementations
The Prolog Vendors' Group may be contacted by email via the Secretary,
Al Roth, at <alroth@cix.compulink.co.uk>.
AAIS Prolog
ALS Prolog
LPA Prolog
Prolog III
Quintus Prolog
ALS Prolog
Arity Prolog
Coder's Prolog
Cogent Prolog
Delphia Prolog
ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version)
LPA Prolog
OU Prolog
PDC Prolog
Prolog III
Quintec Prolog
Quintus Prolog
AIAI Edinburgh Prolog
ALS Prolog
BIM Prolog
Coder's Prolog
Delphia Prolog
ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version)
MU-Prolog, NU-Prolog
Prolog III
Quintec Prolog
Quintus Prolog
SICStus Prolog
SNI Prolog
Many of the following vendors offer educational discounts to
universities. Be sure to ask for current pricing information.
Commercial Prolog Implementations:
AAIS Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter runs on
the Apple Macintosh and costs $298. Write to Advanced AI Systems,
Inc., PO Box 39-0360, Mountain View, CA 94039-0360, call 415-948-8658,
fax 415-948-2486, or email aais@applelink.apple.com. Reviewed in
AI Expert, Feburary 1991.
AIAI Edinburgh Prolog is a high level prolog emulator that runs on
Acorn R140 (RISC iX), DG AViiON (DG/VX 4.1), Vax (Berkeley Unix, VMS),
Gould Encore (Unix), HP 9000/300 (HP-UX), MIPS RISC (RiscOS), Sequent
(DYNIX V3), Sun 2,3,4 (SunOS-3,4). For more information, write to
AIAI, AI Applications Institute, Software Secretary, University of
Edinburgh, 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN, UK, call +44 (31) 650
2734, fax +44 (31) 226 2730, or send email to AIAI@ed.ac.uk.
ALS Prolog runs on 80386 machines, including DOS ($799), Sun 386i, Xenix,
Apple Macintosh ($499), System V Unix (Microport), Sun3, Sun4, Sparc,
Aviion, NeXT, VAX and Delta88. It is available from Applied Logic
Systems, Inc., PO Box 90, University Station, Syracuse, NY 13210-0090,
phone 315-471-3900, fax 315-471-2606, or email info@als.com or
support@als.com. Send a message to info@als.com with subject line "HELP"
to get a general information file in reply.
Arity Prolog is an emulator with interpreter and runs on DOS ($650),
OS/2 ($1k), Windows (extra $350), OS/2 V.2, and Windows-NT. For more
information, write to Arity Corporation, Damonmill Square, 29 Domino
Drive, Concord, MA 01742, call 800-722-7489 (508-371-1243), or fax
Prolog by BIM is a prolog compiler that runs on Sun4, Sparcs and
RS/6000. It includes Carmen, a user-interface generator for XView
and SunView and interfaces to various databases and windowing
packages. For more information, contact BIM Systems, Inc., 11111
Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 650, Los Angeles, CA 90025, call
310-445-1500, fax to 310-445-1515, or email to prolog@bim.com.
Outside North-America write to BIM s.a./n.v., Kwikstraat 4, B-3078
Everberg, Belgium, call +32 2 759 59 25, fax to +32 2 759 92 09 or
email to prolog@sunbim.be (Kathleen Pierco). Earlier version reviewed
in AI Expert, January 1991.
CIM-Prolog is a high-level emulator with interpreter for Apollo Domain
and Sun. Also standard Prolog for Apollo Domain, IBM PC/AT, INMOS
transputer, and Sun. A parallel version is also available.
For more information, write to Creative Soft GmbH, Turnstrasse 10, D-8510
Fuerth, Germany, call +49 911 7499214, or fax +49 911 747756.
Coder's Prolog 2.0 is a Prolog Interpreter from Austin Code Works. Works
on any system with a C compiler (it is designed for use with C programs).
For more information, write to Austin Code Works, 11100 Leafwood Lane,
Austin, TX 78750-3587, call 512-258-0785, fax 512-258-1342, or send email
to info@acw.com.
Cogent Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter for
DOS-based PCs. Includes a foreign function interface. It costs $199.
For more information, write Amziod, 40 Samuel Prescott Drive, Stow, MA
01775, call 508-897-5560 or fax 508-897-7332. Amziod also sells the
Active Prolog Tutor for DOS for $65.
Delphia Prolog is an Edinburgh-standard compiler and interpreter that
runs on Sun3, Sun4, Sparc, RS/6000, Apollo, HP9000/300, Unigraph 68xxx,
386/486 (SCO Unix), DecStation (Ultrix), Sony NEWS (Unix), VAX (VMS,
Ultrix), uVax (Ultrix), VaxStation (Ultrix). Write to Delphia, 27 Avenue
de la Republique, 38170 Seyssinet, France, call 33-76-26-68-94 or fax
33-76-26-52-27. Arity Corporation is the US Distributor of Delphia
Prolog. An earlier version was reviewed in AI Expert, January 1991
and Feburary 1991.
ECRC SEPIA is a high-level emulator with interpreter. Binaries are
available for any number of machines, including Sun3, Sun4 (SunOS 4.0,
SunView and X11R4), Vax 78*(BSD 4.3), Bull DPX-1000 and 2000 (SPIX),
Siemens MX-300 and MX-500 (SINIX, X11R3), ICL DRS-80 (UNIX System
V/386 3.2). For more information, write to ECRC, Arabellastrasse 17,
D-8000 Munich 81, Germany, or send email to sepia_request@ecrc.de.
EDCAAD C-Prolog is a prolog interpreter for Sun (SunOS), VAX (Ultrix,
VMS), Apollo, and 68000 (Unix). For more information, write to EDCAAD,
Department of Architecture, Edinburgh University, 20 Chambers St.,
Edinburgh EH1 1JZ, UK, call +44 (31) 650 1000, fax +44 (31) 667 0141,
or send email to chris@caad.ed.ac.uk.
ESL Prolog-2 (Commercial Version), is a high-level emulator with
interpreter and compiler for Sun3, Sun4, HP9000 (Unix), RS/6000
(Unix), VAX (VMS), IBM PC (MS-DOS, Windows), and 386. It is an
Edinburgh standard prolog with a number of extensions. The windows
version includes BIPs for programming windows graphics and dialogues.
For more information, write to Expert Systems Limited (ESL), Attn:
Nick Henfrey, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford, OX4
4GA, England, call +44-865-794474, or fax +44-856-784475.